Source code for pydy.viz.scene

#!/usr/bin/env python

# standard library
from __future__ import division
import os
import sys
import warnings
import json
import distutils
import distutils.dir_util
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

# external
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import numpy as np
from sympy import latex
from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point

# local
from .camera import PerspectiveCamera
from .server import Server
from .light import PointLight
from ..system import System
from ..utils import PyDyImportWarning, PyDyDeprecationWarning

if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
    raw_input = input

__all__ = ['Scene']

warnings.simplefilter('once', PyDyImportWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('once', PyDyDeprecationWarning)

    import IPython
    if parse_version(IPython.__version__) < parse_version('3.0'):
        msg = ('PyDy only supports IPython >= 3.0.0. You have '
               'IPython {} installed. IPython related functionalities will '
               'not be available')
        warnings.warn(msg.format(IPython.__version__), PyDyImportWarning)
        ipython_less_than_3 = True
        ipython_less_than_3 = False
        from IPython.html import widgets
        from IPython.display import display, Javascript
except ImportError:
    IPython = None

[docs]class Scene(object): """The Scene class generates all of the data required for animating a set of visualization frames. """ pydy_directory = "pydy-resources" def __init__(self, reference_frame, origin, *visualization_frames, **kwargs): """Initialize a Scene instance. Parameters ========== reference_frame : sympy.physics.mechanics.ReferenceFrame The base reference frame for the scene. The motion of all of the visualization frames, cameras, and lights will be generated with respect to this reference frame. origin : sympy.physics.mechanics.Point The base point for the scene. The motion of all of the visualization frames, cameras, and lights will be generated with respect to this point. visualization_frames : VisualizationFrame One or more visualization frames which are to be displayed in the scene. name : string, optional, default='unnamed' Name of Scene object. cameras : list of Camera instances, optional The cameras with which to display the object. The first camera is used to display the scene initially. The default is a single PerspectiveCamera tied to the base reference frame and positioned away from the origin along the reference frame's z axis. lights : list of Light instances, optional The lights used in the scene. The default is a single Light tied to the base reference frame and positioned away from the origin along the reference frame's z axis at the same point as the default camera. system : System, optional, default=None A PyDy system class which is initiated such that the ``integrate()`` method will produce valid state trajectories. times : array_like, shape(n,), optional, default=None Monotoncially increaing float values of time that correspond to the state trajectories. constants : dictionary, optional, default=None A dictionary that maps SymPy symbols to floats. This should contain at least all necessary symbols to evaluate the transformation matrices of the visualization frame, cameras, and lights and to evaluate the Shapes' parameters. states_symbols : sequence of functions, len(m), optional, default=None An ordered sequence of the SymPy functions that represent the states. The order must match the order of the ``states_trajectories``. states_trajectories : array_like, shape(n, m), optional, default=None A two dimensional array with numerical values for each state at each point in time during the animation. Notes ===== The user is allowed to supply either system or times, constants, states_symbols, and states_trajectories. Providing a System allows for interactively changing the simulation parameters via the Scene GUI in the IPython notebook. """ self.reference_frame = reference_frame self.origin = origin self.visualization_frames = list(visualization_frames) vec = 10 * self.reference_frame.z self._default_camera_point = self.origin.locatenew('p_camera', vec) self._default_light_point = self.origin.locatenew('p_light', vec) default_kwargs = {'name': 'unnamed', 'cameras': [PerspectiveCamera('DefaultCamera', self.reference_frame, self._default_camera_point)], 'lights': [PointLight('DefaultLight', self.reference_frame, self._default_light_point)], 'system': None, 'times': None, 'constants': None, 'states_symbols': None, 'states_trajectories': None, 'frames_per_second': 30} default_kwargs.update(kwargs) for k, v in default_kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @property def name(self): """Returns the name of the scene.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): """Sets the name of the scene.""" if not isinstance(new_name, str): raise TypeError("'name' should be a valid string.") else: self._name = new_name @property def origin(self): """Returns the origin point of the scene.""" return self._origin @origin.setter def origin(self, new_origin): """Sets the origin point of the scene.""" if not isinstance(new_origin, Point): raise TypeError("'origin' should be a valid Point object.") else: self._origin = new_origin @property def reference_frame(self): """Returns the base reference frame of the scene.""" return self._reference_frame @reference_frame.setter def reference_frame(self, new_reference_frame): """Sets the base reference frame for the scene.""" if not isinstance(new_reference_frame, ReferenceFrame): raise TypeError("'reference_frame' should be a valid " "ReferenceFrame object.") else: self._reference_frame = new_reference_frame @property def system(self): return self._system @system.setter def system(self, new_system): if new_system is not None and not isinstance(new_system, System): msg = "{} should be a valid pydy.System object".format(new_system) raise TypeError(msg) if new_system is not None: msg = ('The {} attribute has already been set, so the system ' 'cannot be set. Use the clear_trajectories method to ' 'set all relevant attributes to None.') for attr in ['times', 'constants', 'states_symbols', 'states_trajectories']: try: if getattr(self, attr) is not None: raise ValueError(msg.format(attr)) except AttributeError: pass self._system = new_system @property def times(self): return self._times @times.setter def times(self, new_times): try: if new_times is not None and self.system is not None: msg = ('The system attribute has already been set, so the ' 'times cannot be set. Set Scene.system = None to ' 'allow a time array to be added.') raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass try: if new_times is not None and self.states_trajectories is not None: len_traj = self.states_trajectories.shape[0] if len(new_times) != len_traj: msg = ('The times array length, {}, does not match the ' 'length of the state trajectories array, {}.') raise ValueError(msg.format(len(new_times), len_traj)) except AttributeError: pass if new_times is None: self._times = new_times else: self._times = np.array(new_times) @property def states_symbols(self): return self._states_symbols @states_symbols.setter def states_symbols(self, new_states_symbols): try: if new_states_symbols is not None and self.system is not None: msg = ('The system attribute has already been set, so the ' 'coordinates cannot be set. Set Scene.system = None ' 'to allow a coordinates array to be added.') raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass try: if (new_states_symbols is not None and self.states_trajectories is not None): len_traj = self.states_trajectories.shape[1] if len(new_states_symbols) != len_traj: msg = ('The number of states, {}, does not match the ' 'number of states present in the state ' 'trajectories array, {}.') raise ValueError(msg.format(len(new_states_symbols), len_traj)) except AttributeError: pass self._states_symbols = new_states_symbols @property def states_trajectories(self): return self._states_trajectories @states_trajectories.setter def states_trajectories(self, new_states_trajectories): try: if new_states_trajectories is not None and self.system is not None: msg = ('The system attribute has already been set, so the ' 'states_trajectories cannot be set. Set Scene.system ' '= None to allow a states_trajectories array to be ' 'added.') raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass try: if new_states_trajectories is not None and self.times is not None: if len(self.times) != new_states_trajectories.shape[0]: msg = ("The number of time instances do not match the " "number in the times array.") raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass try: if (new_states_trajectories is not None and self.states_symbols is not None): if new_states_trajectories.shape[1] != len(self.states_symbols): msg = ("The number of states in the trajectory do not " "match the number of states symbols.") raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass self._states_trajectories = new_states_trajectories @property def constants(self): return self._constants @constants.setter def constants(self, new_constants): try: if new_constants is not None and self.system is not None: msg = ('The system attribute has already been set, so the ' 'constants cannot be set. Set Scene.system = None to ' 'allow a constants array to be added.') raise ValueError(msg) except AttributeError: pass self._constants = new_constants
[docs] def clear_trajectories(self): """Sets the 'system', 'times', 'constants', 'states_symbols', and 'states_trajectories' to None.""" for attr in ['system', 'times', 'constants', 'states_symbols', 'states_trajectories']: setattr(self, attr, None)
[docs] def generate_visualization_json(self, dynamic_variables, constant_variables, dynamic_values, constant_values, fps=30, outfile_prefix=None): """Creates two JSON files in the current working directory. One contains the scene information and one contains the simulation data. Parameters ========== dynamic_variables : sequence of SymPy functions of time, len(m) The variables representing the state of the system. They should be in the same order as ``dynamic_values``. constant_variables : sequence of SymPy symbols, len(p) The variables representing the constants in the system. They should be in the same order as ``constant_variables``. dynamic_values : ndarray, shape(n, m) The trajectories of the states. constant_values : ndarray, shape(p,) The numerical values of the constants. fps : int, optional, default=30 Frames per second at which animation should be displayed. Please not that this should not exceed the hardware limit of the display device to be used. Default is 30fps. outfile_prefix : str, optional, default=None A prefix for the JSON files. The files will be named as `outfile_prefix_scene_desc.json` and `outfile_prefix_simulation_data.json`. If not specified a timestamp shall be used as the prefix. """ warnings.warn("This method will be removed in PyDy 0.4.0, set these " "values through the proper attributes instead.", PyDyDeprecationWarning) self.states_symbols = dynamic_variables self.states_trajectories = dynamic_values self.constants = dict(zip(constant_variables, constant_values)) self.frames_per_second = fps self._generate_json(prefix=outfile_prefix)
def _generate_json(self, directory=None, prefix=None): """Creates two JSON files and copies all the necessary static files in the specified directory. One of the JSON files contains the scene information and other one contains the simulation data. Parameters ========== directory : string, optional, default=None The directory in which the json files are placed. If None, this will be the current working directory. prefix : string A custom prefix for the two json files. If None, a time stamp is used. """ if directory is None: directory = os.getcwd() if prefix is None: prefix ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') self._scene_json_file = prefix + "_scene_desc.json" self._simulation_json_file = prefix + "_simulation_data.json" if self.system is None: constants = self.constants num_time_steps = self.states_trajectories.shape[0] else: constants = self.system.constants num_time_steps = len(self.system.times) # TODO : This assumes that all constants have unique strings and # that they are valid strings for the JSON file which can possibly # fail. constant_map_for_json = {str(k): v for k, v in constants.items()} self._generate_simulation_dict() self._generate_scene_dict() self._scene_info["simulationData"] = self._simulation_json_file # NOTE : Python 3 division is imported at the top of the file so # this will be a float. self._scene_info["timeDelta"] = 1 / self.frames_per_second self._scene_info["timeSteps"] = num_time_steps self._scene_info["constant_map"] = constant_map_for_json scene_file_path = os.path.join(directory, self._scene_json_file) with open(scene_file_path, 'w') as scene_data_outfile: scene_data_outfile.write(json.dumps(self._scene_info, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) sim_file_path = os.path.join(directory, self._simulation_json_file) with open(sim_file_path, 'w') as simulation_data_outfile: simulation_data_outfile.write(json.dumps( self._simulation_info, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) def _generate_scene_dict(self): """Generates a dictionary containing all of the information needed to build the scene.""" self._scene_info = {} self._scene_info["source"] = "PyDy" self._scene_info["name"] = self._scene_info["newtonian_frame"] = str(self.reference_frame) # TODO : This should be accomodated in scene instead of width/height # of scene. self._scene_info["workspaceSize"] = 0.2 self._scene_info["objects"] = {} self._scene_info["cameras"] = {} self._scene_info["lights"] = {} for frame in self.visualization_frames: if self.system is None: constants = self.constants else: constants = self.system.constants object_info = frame.generate_scene_dict(constant_map=constants) self._scene_info["objects"].update(object_info) for camera in self.cameras: object_info = camera.generate_scene_dict() self._scene_info["cameras"].update(object_info) for light in self.lights: object_info = light.generate_scene_dict() self._scene_info["lights"].update(object_info) def _generate_simulation_dict(self): """Returns a dictionary containing all of the simulation information. It consists of all the simulation data along with references to the objects, for allowing motion to the objects in the PyDy visualizer. Notes ===== This method must be called before ``generate_scene_dict``. """ if self.system is None: constants_symbols = self.constants.keys() constants_values = self.constants.values() states_symbols = self.states_symbols states_trajectories = self.states_trajectories else: constants_symbols = self.system.constants.keys() constants_values = self.system.constants.values() states_symbols = self.system.states states_trajectories = self.system.integrate() self._simulation_info = {} for group in [self.visualization_frames, self.cameras, self.lights]: for frame in group: frame.generate_transformation_matrix(self.reference_frame, self.origin) frame.generate_numeric_transform_function(states_symbols, constants_symbols) frame.evaluate_transformation_matrix(states_trajectories, constants_values) self._simulation_info.update(frame.generate_simulation_dict())
[docs] def generate_visualization_json_system(self, system, **kwargs): """Creates the visualization JSON files for the provided system. Parameters ========== system : pydy.system.System A fully developed PyDy system that is prepared for the ``.integrate()`` method. Notes ===== The optional keyword arguments are the same as those in the ``generate_visualization_json`` method. """ self.system = system prefix = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'fps': self.frames_per_second = v if k == 'outfile_prefix': prefix = v self._generate_json(prefix=prefix)
[docs] def create_static_html(self, overwrite=False, silent=False, prefix=None): """Creates a directory named ``pydy-visualization`` in the current working directory which contains all of the HTML, CSS, Javascript, and json files required to run the vizualization application. To run the application, navigate into the ``pydy-visualization`` directory and start a webserver from that directory, e.g.:: $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer Now, in a WebGL compliant browser, navigate to:: to view and interact with the visualization. This method can also be used to output files for embedding the visualizations in static webpages. Simply copy the contents of static directory in the relevant directory for embedding in a static website. Parameters ---------- overwrite : boolean, optional, default=False If True, the directory named ``pydy-visualization`` in the current working directory will be overwritten. silent : boolean, optional, default=False If True, no messages will be displayed to STDOUT. prefix : string, optional An optional prefix for the json data files. """ pydy_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.pydy_directory) if os.path.exists(pydy_dir) and overwrite is False: msg = ("The '{}' directory already exists. Would " "you like to overwrite the contents? [y|n]\n") ans = raw_input(msg.format(self.pydy_directory)) if ans == 'y': overwrite = True else: if not silent: print("Aborted!") return # Copy all of the HTML/CSS/JS files from the source tree into the # local directory. if not silent: print("Copying static data.") src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static') distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(src, pydy_dir) # Add the two json files to the directory. if not silent: print("Copying Simulation data.") self._generate_json(directory=pydy_dir, prefix=prefix) if not silent: msg = ("To view the visualzation, run `python -m " "SimpleHTTPServer` from the `{}` directory.") print(msg.format(self.pydy_directory))
[docs] def remove_static_html(self, force=False): """Removes the ``static`` directory from the current working directory. Parameters ---------- force : boolean, optional, default=False If true, no warning is issued before the removal of the directory. """ pydy_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.pydy_directory) if not os.path.exists(pydy_dir): print("All Done!") return if not force: msg = ("Are you sure you would like to delete the '{}' " "directory? [y|n]\n") ans = raw_input(msg.format(self.pydy_directory)) if ans == 'y': force = True if force: distutils.dir_util.remove_tree(pydy_dir) print("All Done!") else: print("Aborted!")
[docs] def display(self): """Displays the scene in the default web browser.""" self.create_static_html(overwrite=True, silent=True) resource_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.pydy_directory) server = Server(scene_file=self._scene_json_file, directory=resource_dir) server.run_server()
def _rerun_button_callback(self, btn): """Callback for the "Rerun Simulation" button. When executed the parameter values are collected from the text input widgets and used in a new simulation of the model.""" btn._dom_classes = ['btn-info', 'active', 'disabled'] btn.description = 'Rerunning Simulation...' original_scene_file = self._scene_json_file original_sim_file = self._simulation_json_file original_constants = self.system.constants.copy() try: self.system.constants = {s: w.value for s, w in self._constants_text_widgets.items()} pydy_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.pydy_directory) self._generate_json(directory=pydy_dir) except: print('Simulation rerun failed, using previous simulation data.') # If the simulation fails for any reason we revert everything # back to the previous state, including filling the text widgets # with the previous values of the constants. The _scene_info and # _simulation_data dicts may be in a bad state, but that should # be ok, because generate_visualiation_json will have to be run # again for anything new to happen. self._scene_json_file = original_scene_file self._simulation_json_file = original_sim_file self.system.constants = original_constants self._fill_constants_widgets() js_tmp = 'jQuery("#json-input").val("{}/{}");' js = js_tmp.format(self.pydy_directory, self._scene_json_file) display(Javascript(js)) display(Javascript('jQuery("#simulation-load").click()')) btn._dom_classes = ['btn-info', 'enabled'] btn.description = self._rerun_button_desc def _fill_constants_widgets(self): """Fills up the constants widget with the current constants symbols and values.""" for sym, init_val in self._system.constants.items(): desc = latex(sym, mode='inline') text_widget = widgets.FloatText(value=init_val, description=desc) self._constants_text_widgets[sym] = text_widget def _initialize_rerun_button(self): """Construct a button for controlling rerunning the simulations.""" self._rerun_button = widgets.Button() self._rerun_button._dom_classes = ['btn-info'] self._rerun_button_desc = "Rerun Simulation" self._rerun_button.description = self._rerun_button_desc self._rerun_button.on_click(self._rerun_button_callback)
[docs] def display_ipython(self): """Displays the scene using an IPython widget inside an IPython notebook cell. Notes ===== IPython widgets are only supported by IPython versions >= 3.0.0. """ if IPython is None: raise ImportError('IPython is not installed but is required. ' + 'Please install IPython >= 3.0 and try again') if ipython_less_than_3: msg = ('You have IPython {} installed but PyDy only supports ' 'IPython >= 3.0. Please update IPython and try again.') raise ImportError(msg.format(IPython.__version__)) self.create_static_html(overwrite=True, silent=True) # Only create the constants input boxes and the rerun simulation # button if the scene was generated with a System. if self._system is not None: # Construct a container that holds all of the constants input # text widgets. self._constants_container = widgets.Box() self._constants_container._css = [("canvas", "width", "100%")] self._constants_text_widgets = OrderedDict() self._fill_constants_widgets() # Add all of the constants widgets to the container. self._constants_container.children = \ tuple(v for v in self._constants_text_widgets.values()) self._initialize_rerun_button() display(self._constants_container) display(self._rerun_button) ipython_static_url = os.path.relpath(self.pydy_directory, os.getcwd()) ip_html_file = os.path.join(ipython_static_url, "index_ipython.html") with open(ip_html_file, 'r') as html_file: html = html = html.format(static_url=ipython_static_url, load_url=os.path.join(ipython_static_url, self._scene_json_file)) self._html_widget = widgets.HTML(value=html) display(self._html_widget)