

The pydy/ file provides canned symbolic models of classical dynamic systems that are mostly for testing and example purposes. There are currently two models:

A one dimensional series of masses connected by linear dampers and springs that can optionally be under the influence of gravity and an arbitrary force.
This is an extension to the classic two dimensional inverted pendulum on a cart to multiple links. You can optionally apply an arbitrary lateral force to the cart and/or apply arbitrary torques between each link.

Example Use

A simple one degree of freedom mass spring damper system can be created with:

>>> from pydy.models import multi_mass_spring_damper
>>> sys = multi_mass_spring_damper()
>>> sys.constants_symbols
{m0, c0, k0}
>>> sys.coordinates
>>> sys.speeds
>>> sys.eom_method.rhs()
[                    v0(t)],
[(-c0*v0(t) - k0*x0(t))/m0]])

A two degree of freedom mass spring damper system under the influence of gravity and two external forces can be created with:

>>> sys = multi_mass_spring_damper(2, True, True)
>>> sys.constants_symbols
{c1, m1, k0, c0, k1, m0, g}
>>> sys.coordinates
[x0(t), x1(t)]
>>> sys.speeds
[v0(t), v1(t)]
>>> sys.specifieds_symbols
{f0(t), f1(t)}
>>> from sympy import simplify
>>> sm.simplify(sys.eom_method.rhs())
[                                                                                                              v0(t)],
[                                                                                                              v1(t)],
[                                                     (-c0*v0(t) + c1*v1(t) + g*m0 - k0*x0(t) + k1*x1(t) + f0(t))/m0],
[-(m1*(-c0*v0(t) + g*m0 + g*m1 - k0*x0(t) + f0(t) + f1(t)) + (m0 + m1)*(c1*v1(t) - g*m1 + k1*x1(t) - f1(t)))/(m0*m1)]])


This module contains some sample symbolic models used for testing and examples.

pydy.models.multi_mass_spring_damper(n=1, apply_gravity=False, apply_external_forces=False)[source]

Returns a system containing the symbolic equations of motion and associated variables for a simple mutli-degree of freedom point mass, spring, damper system with optional gravitational and external specified forces. For example, a two mass system under the influence of gravity and external forces looks like:

   |     |     |   | g
   \    | |    |   V
k0 /    --- c0 |
   |     |     | x0, v0
  ---------    V
  |  m0   | -----
  ---------    |
   | |   |     |
   \ v  | |    |
k1 / f0 --- c1 |
   |     |     | x1, v1
  ---------    V
  |  m1   | -----
     | f1

n : integer

The number of masses in the serial chain.

apply_gravity : boolean

If true, gravity will be applied to each mass.

apply_external_forces : boolean

If true, a time varying external force will be applied to each mass.


system : pydy.system.System

A system constructed from the KanesMethod object.

Returns the system containing the symbolic first order equations of motion for a 2D n-link pendulum on a sliding cart under the influence of gravity.

    v   y    o
    g   ^   /
        |  /
    ----|-/--  theta0
    |   |/  |
F-> |   o --|---> x
    |       |
     o     o

n : integer

The number of links in the pendulum.

cart_force : boolean, default=True

If true an external specified lateral force is applied to the cart.

joint_torques : boolean, default=False

If true joint torques will be added as specified inputs at each joint.


system : pydy.system.System

The system containing the symbolics.


The degrees of freedom of the system are n + 1, i.e. one for each pendulum link and one for the lateral motion of the cart.

M x’ = F, where x = [u0, ..., un+1, q0, ..., qn+1]

The joint angles are all defined relative to the ground where the x axis defines the ground line and the y axis points up. The joint torques are applied between each adjacent link and the between the cart and the lower link where a positive torque corresponds to positive angle.