

args: None

This method creates the scene from the self.model and renders it onto the canvas.


args: None

Creates a webGL Renderer
with a default background color.


args: None

This method adds a default light and a Perspective camera to the initial visualization


args: None

Adds a default system of axes to the initial visualization.


args: None

Adds Mouse controls to the initial visualization using Three’s TrackballControls library.


args: None

Resets the scene camera to the initial values(zoom, displacement etc.)


args: None

Adds the geometries loaded from the JSON file onto the scene. The file is saved as an object in self.model and then rendered to canvas with this function.


args: None

Adds the cameras loaded from the JSON file onto the scene. The cameras can be switched during animation from the switch cameras UI button.


args: None

Adds the Lights loaded from the JSON file onto the scene.


args: JS object, { object }

Adds a single geometry object which is taken as an argument to this function.


args: JS object, { object }

Adds a single camera object which is taken as an argument to this function.


args: JS object, { object }

Adds a single light object which is taken as an argument to this function.


args: None

This function iterates over the the simulation data to render them on the canvas.


args: time, (float)

Takes a time value as the argument and renders the simulation data corresponding to that time value.


args: None

Stops the animation, and sets the current time value to initial.


args: None

Removes all the geometry elements added to the scene from the loaded scene JSON file. Keeps the default elements, i.e. default axis, camera and light.