Source code for pydy.codegen.c_code

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""This module contains source code dedicated to generating C code from
matrices generated from sympy.physics.mechanics."""

import os

from pkg_resources import parse_version
import sympy as sm

SYMPY_VERSION = sm.__version__

        if parse_version(SYMPY_VERSION) >= parse_version('1.7'):
            from sympy.printing.c import C99CodePrinter as CCodePrinter
            from sympy.printing.ccode import C99CodePrinter as CCodePrinter
    except ImportError:
        # SymPy 1.0 and lower uses this version.
        from sympy.printing.ccode import CCodePrinter
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # SymPy > 1.5 renamed the module ccode to c
    from sympy.printing.c import C99CodePrinter as CCodePrinter

from .matrix_generator import MatrixGenerator
from ..utils import wrap_and_indent

[docs]class CMatrixGenerator(MatrixGenerator): """This class generates C source files that simultaneously numerically evaluate any number of SymPy matrices. """ _base_printer = CCodePrinter _c_header_template = """\ void evaluate( {input_args} {output_args} ); /* {input_docstring} */""" _c_source_template = """\ #include <math.h>{header_include} void evaluate( {input_args} {output_args} ) {{ {subexprs} {outputs} }}\ """ def _generate_code_blocks(self): """Writes the blocks of code for the C file.""" # TODO : This could use the super classes method with some tweaks. printer = self._generate_pydy_printer()() self.code_blocks = {} lines = [] for i, input_arg in enumerate(self.arguments): lines.append('double input_{}[{}],'.format(i, len(input_arg))) self.code_blocks['input_args'] = wrap_and_indent(lines, 14) lines = [] for i, output_arg in enumerate(self.matrices): nr, nc = output_arg.shape lines.append('double output_{}[{}],'.format(i, nr * nc)) self.code_blocks['output_args'] = \ wrap_and_indent(lines, 14)[:-1] # remove last comma lines = [] for i, (input_arg, explan) in enumerate(zip(self.arguments, self.comma_lists())): lines.append('input_{}[{}] : [{}]'.format(i, len(input_arg), explan)) self.code_blocks['input_docstring'] = wrap_and_indent(lines, 0) lines = [] for var, expr in self.subexprs: var_str = printer.doprint(var) expr_str = printer.doprint(expr) lines.append('double {} = {};'.format(var_str, expr_str)) self.code_blocks['subexprs'] = wrap_and_indent(lines) outputs = '' for i, output in enumerate(self.simplified_matrices): nr, nc = output.shape lhs = sm.MatrixSymbol('output_{}'.format(i), nr, nc) try: code_str = printer.doprint(output, lhs) except AttributeError: # The above fails in SymPy because Matrix printing # isn't supported. code_lines = [] for j, element in enumerate(output): assignment = 'output_{}[{}]'.format(i, j) code_lines.append(printer.doprint(element, assignment)) code_str = '\n'.join(code_lines) outputs += wrap_and_indent(code_str.split('\n')) if i != len(self.simplified_matrices) - 1: outputs += '\n\n' # space between each output self.code_blocks['outputs'] = outputs
[docs] def doprint(self, prefix=None): """Returns a string each for the header and the source files. Parameters ========== prefix : string, optional A prefix for the name of the header file. This will cause an include statement to to be added to the source. """ if prefix is not None: filling = {'header_include': '\n#include "{}.h"'.format(prefix)} else: filling = {'header_include': ''} filling.update(self.code_blocks) c_header = self._c_header_template.format(**filling) c_source = self._c_source_template.format(**filling) return c_header, c_source
[docs] def write(self, prefix, path=None): """Writes a header and source file to disk. Parameters ========== prefix : string Two files will be generated: ``<prefix>.c`` and ``<prefix>.h``. """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() header, source = self.doprint(prefix=prefix) with open(os.path.join(path, prefix + '.h'), 'w') as f: f.write(header) with open(os.path.join(path, prefix + '.c'), 'w') as f: f.write(source)
class _CLUsolveGenerator(CMatrixGenerator): """This is a private undocumented class that supports the ``linear_sys_solver='sympy'`` in CythonMatrixGenerator. It cse's A and b of a linear system Ax=b, then solves the linear system symbolically and cse's the result x. This is a more efficient way to get the symbolic solution of a linear system encoded in generated C code.""" def _generate_cse(self, prefix='pydy_'): # NOTE : This assumes the first two items in self.matrices are A and b # of and Ax=b system. This also ignores cse=False. gen1 = sm.numbered_symbols(prefix) subexprs1, mats_simp = sm.cse(self.matrices, symbols=gen1) A_simp = mats_simp[0] b_simp = mats_simp[1] x = A_simp.LUsolve(b_simp) gen2 = sm.numbered_symbols(prefix, start=len(subexprs1)) subexprs2, x_simp = sm.cse(x, symbols=gen2) # swap the b matrix with the x result mats_simp[1] = x_simp[0] self.subexprs = subexprs1 + subexprs2 self.simplified_matrices = tuple(mats_simp)