Source code for pydy.codegen.cython_code

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
import importlib
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict

from .c_code import CMatrixGenerator
from ..utils import wrap_and_indent

[docs]class CythonMatrixGenerator(object): """This class generates the Cython code for evaluating a sequence of matrices. It can compile the code and return a Python function.""" _pyx_template = \ """\ import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cimport cython cdef extern from "{prefix}_c.h": void evaluate( {header_args} ) @cython.boundscheck(False) @cython.wraparound(False) def eval( {python_args} ): evaluate( {c_args} ) return ( {output} )\ """ _setup_py_template = """\ #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Build import cythonize import numpy extension = Extension(name="{prefix}", sources=["{prefix}.pyx", "{prefix}_c.c"], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]) setup(name="{prefix}", ext_modules=cythonize([extension]))\ """ _module_counter = 0 def __init__(self, arguments, matrices, prefix='pydy_codegen'): """ Parameters ========== arguments : sequences of sequences of SymPy Symbol or Function. Each of the sequences will be converted to input arrays in the Cython function. All of the symbols/functions contained in ``matrices`` need to be in the sequences, but the sequences can also contain extra symbols/functions that are not contained in the matrices. matrices : sequence of SymPy.Matrix A sequence of the matrices that should be evaluated in the function. The expressions should contain only sympy.Symbol or sympy.Function that are functions of me.dynamicsymbols._t. prefix : string, optional The desired prefix for the generated files. """ self.prefix = prefix self.matrices = matrices self.arguments = arguments self.num_matrices = len(matrices) self.num_arguments = len(arguments) self.c_matrix_generator = CMatrixGenerator(arguments, matrices) self._generate_code_blocks() def _generate_code_blocks(self): lines = defaultdict(list) hd = 'double* {}_{},' py = "np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=1, mode='c'] {}_{}," c = '<double*> {}_{}.data,' out = 'output_{}.reshape({}, {}),' out_vec = 'output_{},' for i in range(self.num_arguments): lines['header_args'].append(hd.format('input', i)) lines['python_args'].append(py.format('input', i)) lines['c_args'].append(c.format('input', i)) for i, matrix in enumerate(self.matrices): lines['header_args'].append(hd.format('output', i)) lines['python_args'].append(py.format('output', i)) lines['c_args'].append(c.format('output', i)) nr, nc = matrix.shape if nc == 1: lines['output'].append(out_vec.format(i)) else: lines['output'].append(out.format(i, nr, nc)) indents = {'header_args': 18, 'python_args': 9, 'c_args': 13, 'output': 12} self.code_blocks = {k: wrap_and_indent(v, indents[k])[:-1] for k, v in lines.items()}
[docs] def doprint(self): """Returns the text of the four source files needed to compile Cython wrapper that evaluates the provided SymPy matrices. Returns ======= setup_py : string The text of the file used to compile the Cython extension. cython_source : string The text of the Cython pyx file which includes the wrapper function ``eval``. c_header : string The text of the C header file that exposes the evaluate function. c_source : string The text of the C source file containing the function that evaluates the matrices. """ c_header, c_source = self.c_matrix_generator.doprint( prefix=self.prefix + '_c') filling = {'prefix': self.prefix} filling.update(self.code_blocks) cython_source = self._pyx_template.format(**filling) setup_py = self._setup_py_template.format(**filling) return setup_py, cython_source, c_header, c_source
[docs] def write(self, path=None): """Writes the four source files needed to compile the Cython function to the current working directory. Parameters ========== path : string The absolute or relative path to an existing directory to place the files instead of the cwd. """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() self.c_matrix_generator.write(self.prefix + '_c') setup_py, pyx, c_header, c_source = self.doprint() with open(os.path.join(path, self.prefix + ''), 'w') as f: f.write(setup_py) with open(os.path.join(path, self.prefix + '.pyx'), 'w') as f: f.write(pyx)
[docs] def compile(self, tmp_dir=None): """Returns a function which evaluates the matrices. Parameters ========== tmp_dir : string The path to an existing or non-existing directory where all of the generated files will be stored. """ base_prefix = self.prefix if tmp_dir is None: codedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(".pydy_compile") else: codedir = os.path.abspath(tmp_dir) if not os.path.exists(codedir): os.makedirs(codedir) self.prefix = '{}_{}'.format(base_prefix, CythonMatrixGenerator._module_counter) workingdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(codedir) try: sys.path.append(codedir) self.write() cmd = [sys.executable, self.prefix + '', 'build_ext', '--inplace'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cython_module = importlib.import_module(self.prefix) except: raise Exception('Failed to compile and import Cython module.') finally: sys.path.remove(codedir) CythonMatrixGenerator._module_counter += 1 os.chdir(workingdir) if tmp_dir is None: shutil.rmtree(codedir) self.prefix = base_prefix return getattr(cython_module, 'eval')