Exercises from Chapter 3 in Kane and Levinson 1985

Exercise 5.1


You can download this example as a Python script: ex5-1.py or Jupyter notebook: ex5-1.ipynb.

from sympy import symbols, integrate
from sympy import pi, acos
from sympy import Matrix, S, simplify
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot, ReferenceFrame
import scipy.integrate

def eval_v(v, N):
   return sum(dot(v, n).evalf() * n for n in N)

def integrate_v(integrand, rf, bounds):
   """Return the integral for a Vector integrand."""
   # integration problems if option meijerg=True is not used
   return sum(simplify(integrate(dot(integrand, n),
                                 meijerg=True)) * n for n in rf)

m, R = symbols('m R', real=True, nonnegative=True)
theta, r, x, y, z = symbols('theta r x y z', real=True)

Regarding Fig. P5.1 as showing two views of a body B formed by matter distributed uniformly (a) over a surface having no planar portions and (b) throughout a solid, determine (by integration) the coordinates x*, y*, z* of the mass center of B.

A = ReferenceFrame('A')

# part a
print("a) mass center of surface area")
SA = (2 * pi * R) * 2
rho_a = m / SA

B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', [theta, A.x])
p = x * A.x  + r * B.y
y_ = dot(p, A.y)
z_ = dot(p, A.z)
J = Matrix([x, y_, z_]).jacobian([x, r, theta])
dJ = simplify(J.det())
print("dJ = {0}".format(dJ))

# calculate center of mass for the cut cylinder
# ranges from x = [1, 3], y = [-1, 1], z = [-1, 1] in Fig. P5.1
mass_cc_a = rho_a * 2*pi*R
cm_cc_a = (integrate_v(integrate_v((rho_a * p * dJ).subs(r, R),
                                   A, (theta, acos(1-x),
                                   2*pi - acos(1-x))),
                                   A, (x, 0, 2)) / mass_cc_a + A.x)
print("cm = {0}".format(cm_cc_a))
a) mass center of surface area
dJ = r
cm = ((-Integral(x*acos(1 - x), (x, 0, 2)) + 2*pi)/pi + 1)*A.x - R/2*A.y
mass_cyl_a = rho_a * 2*pi*R
cm_cyl_a = A.x/S(2)

cm_a = (mass_cyl_a*cm_cyl_a + mass_cc_a*cm_cc_a) / m
print("center of mass = {0}".format(cm_a.subs(R, 1)))
# part b
print("b) mass center of volume")
V = (pi*R**2) * 2
rho_b = m / V
mass_cc_b = rho_b * pi*R**2

# calculate center of mass for the cut cylinder
# ranges from x = [1, 3], y = [-1, 1], z = [-1, 1] in Fig. P5.1
# compute the value using scipy due to issues with sympy
R_ = 1
def pos(z, y, x, coord):
   if coord == 0:
      return x
   elif coord == 1:
      return y
   elif coord == 2:
      return z
      raise ValueError
# y bounds
def ybu(x):
   return R_*(1 - x)
def ybl(x):
   return -R_
# z bounds
def zbu(x, y):
   return (R_**2 - y**2)**0.5
def zbl(x, y):
   return -1 * zbu(x, y)

cm_cc_b = 0
for i, b in enumerate(A):
   p_i = lambda z, y, x: pos(z, y, x, i)
   cm_cc_b += scipy.integrate.tplquad(p_i, 0, 2, ybl, ybu, zbl, zbu)[0] * b
cm_cc_b *= (rho_b / mass_cc_b).subs(R, R_)
cm_cc_b += A.x

#integrand = rho_b * (x*A.x + y*A.y + z*A.z)
#cm_cc_b = (integrate_v(integrate_v(integrate_v(integrand,
#                                               A, (z,
#                                                   -sqrt(R**2 - y**2),
#                                                   sqrt(R**2 - y**2))),
#                                   A, (y, -R, R*(1 - x))),
#                       A, (x, 0, 2)) / mass_cc_b +
#           A.x)
print("cm = {0}".format(cm_cc_b))

mass_cyl_b = rho_b * pi*R**2
cm_cyl_b = A.x/S(2)

cm_b = (mass_cyl_b*cm_cyl_b + mass_cc_b*cm_cc_b) / m
print("center of mass = {0}".format(eval_v(cm_b.subs(R, 1), A)))
center of mass = (m/4 + m*((-Integral(x*acos(1 - x), (x, 0, 2)) + 2*pi)/pi + 1)/2)/m*A.x - 1/4*A.y
b) mass center of volume
cm = (1.96349540850478/pi + 1)*A.x - 0.785398163387119/pi*A.y
center of mass = 1.06250000000178*A.x - 0.124999999998356*A.y

Exercise 5.4


You can download this example as a Python script: ex5-4.py or Jupyter notebook: ex5-4.ipynb.

from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot
from sympy import symbols, integrate
from sympy import sin, cos, pi

a, b, R = symbols('a b R', real=True, nonnegative=True)
theta, x, y, z = symbols('theta x y z', real=True)
ab_val = {a: 0.3, b: 0.3}

# R is the radius of the circle, theta is the half angle.
centroid_sector = 2*R*sin(theta) / (3 * theta)

# common R, theta values
theta_pi_4 = {theta: pi/4, R: a}
R_theta_val = {theta: pi/4 * (1 - z/a), R: a}

N = ReferenceFrame('N')
def eval_vec(v):
    vs = v.subs(ab_val)
    return sum(dot(vs, n).evalf() * n for n in N)

# For each part A, B, C, D, define an origin for that part such that the
# centers of mass of each part of the component have positive N.x, N.y,
# and N.z values.
vol_A_1 = pi * a**2 * b / 4
vol_A_2 = pi * a**2 * a / 4 / 2
vol_A = vol_A_1 + vol_A_2
pA_O = Point('A_O')
pAs_1 = pA_O.locatenew(
      'A*_1', (b/2 * N.z +
               centroid_sector.subs(theta_pi_4) * sin(pi/4) * (N.x + N.y)))
pAs_2 = pA_O.locatenew(
      'A*_2', (b * N.z +
               N.z * integrate((theta*R**2*(z)).subs(R_theta_val),
                                 (z, 0, a)) / vol_A_2 +
               N.x * integrate((theta*R**2 * cos(theta) *
                                 (z, 0, a)) / vol_A_2 +
               N.y * integrate((2*R**3/3 * 4*a/pi *
                                 sin(theta)**2).subs(R, a),
                                 (theta, 0, pi/4)) / vol_A_2))
pAs = pA_O.locatenew('A*', ((pAs_1.pos_from(pA_O) * vol_A_1 +
                           pAs_2.pos_from(pA_O) * vol_A_2) /
print('A* = {0}'.format(pAs.pos_from(pA_O)))
print('A* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pAs.pos_from(pA_O))))

vol_B_1 = pi*a**2/2
vol_B_2 = a**2 / 2
vol_B  = vol_B_1 + vol_B_2
pB_O = Point('B_O')
pBs_1 = pB_O.locatenew(
      'B*_1', (a*(N.x + N.z) + a/2*N.y +
               (-N.x + N.z) * (R*sin(theta)/theta *
pBs_2 = pB_O.locatenew('B*_2', (a*N.y + a*N.z -
                              (a/3 * N.y + a/3 * N.z)))
pBs = pB_O.locatenew('B*', ((pBs_1.pos_from(pB_O) * vol_B_1 +
                           pBs_2.pos_from(pB_O) * vol_B_2) /
print('\nB* = {0}'.format(pBs.pos_from(pB_O)))
print('B* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pBs.pos_from(pB_O))))

vol_C_1 = 2 * a**2 * b
vol_C_2 = a**3 / 2
vol_C_3 = a**3
vol_C_4 = -pi*a**3/4
vol_C = vol_C_1 + vol_C_2 + vol_C_3 + vol_C_4
pC_O = Point('C_O')
pCs_1 = pC_O.locatenew('C*_1', (a*N.x + a/2*N.y + b/2*N.z))
pCs_2 = pC_O.locatenew('C*_2', (a*N.x + b*N.z +
                              (a/3*N.x + a/2*N.y + a/3*N.z)))
pCs_3 = pC_O.locatenew('C*_3', (b*N.z + a/2*(N.x + N.y + N.z)))
pCs_4 = pC_O.locatenew(
      'C*_4', ((a + b)*N.z + a/2*N.y +
               (N.x - N.z)*(centroid_sector.subs(
pCs = pC_O.locatenew('C*', ((pCs_1.pos_from(pC_O)*vol_C_1 +
                           pCs_2.pos_from(pC_O)*vol_C_2 +
                           pCs_3.pos_from(pC_O)*vol_C_3 +
                           pCs_4.pos_from(pC_O)*vol_C_4) /
print('\nC* = {0}'.format(pCs.pos_from(pC_O)))
print('C* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pCs.pos_from(pC_O))))

vol_D = pi*a**3/4
pD_O = Point('D_O')
pDs = pD_O.locatenew('D*', (a*N.z + a/2*N.y +
                           (N.x - N.z)*(centroid_sector.subs(
                                    theta_pi_4) * sin(pi/4))))
print('\nD* = {0}'.format(pDs.pos_from(pD_O)))
print('D* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pDs.pos_from(pD_O))))

pO = Point('O')
pA_O.set_pos(pO, 2*a*N.x - (a+b)*N.z)
pB_O.set_pos(pO, 2*a*N.x - a*N.z)
pC_O.set_pos(pO, -(a+b)*N.z)
pD_O.set_pos(pO, -a*N.z)

density_A = 7800
density_B = 17.00
density_C = 2700
density_D = 8400
mass_A = vol_A * density_A
mass_B = vol_B * density_B
mass_C = vol_C * density_C
mass_D = vol_D * density_D

pms = pO.locatenew('m*', ((pAs.pos_from(pO)*mass_A + pBs.pos_from(pO)*mass_B +
                           pCs.pos_from(pO)*mass_C + pDs.pos_from(pO)*mass_D) /
                        (mass_A + mass_B + mass_C + mass_D)))
print('\nm* = {0}'.format(eval_vec(pms.pos_from(pO))))
A* = (2*a**4/(3*pi) + a**3*b/3)/(pi*a**3/8 + pi*a**2*b/4)*N.x + (8*a**4*(-1/4 + pi/8)/(3*pi) + a**3*b/3)/(pi*a**3/8 + pi*a**2*b/4)*N.y + (pi*a**3*(a/3 + b)/8 + pi*a**2*b**2/8)/(pi*a**3/8 + pi*a**2*b/4)*N.z
A* = 0.138920600924924*N.x + 0.115727308022108*N.y + 0.233333333333333*N.z

B* = pi*a**2*(-2*a/pi + a)/(2*(a**2/2 + pi*a**2/2))*N.x + (a**3/3 + pi*a**3/4)/(a**2/2 + pi*a**2/2)*N.y + (a**3/3 + pi*a**2*(2*a/pi + a)/2)/(a**2/2 + pi*a**2/2)*N.z
B* = 0.0826922936952985*N.x + 0.162072650350261*N.y + 0.420726503502612*N.z

C* = (5*a**4/6 + 2*a**3*b)/(-pi*a**3/4 + 3*a**3/2 + 2*a**2*b)*N.x + (-pi*a**4/8 + 3*a**4/4 + a**3*b)/(-pi*a**3/4 + 3*a**3/2 + 2*a**2*b)*N.y + (a**3*(a/3 + b)/2 + a**3*(a/2 + b) - pi*a**3*(-4*a/(3*pi) + a + b)/4 + a**2*b**2)/(-pi*a**3/4 + 3*a**3/2 + 2*a**2*b)*N.z
C* = 0.313121426700209*N.x + 0.15*N.y + 0.213202943487976*N.z

D* = 4*a/(3*pi)*N.x + a/2*N.y + (-4*a/(3*pi) + a)*N.z
D* = 0.127323954473516*N.x + 0.15*N.y + 0.172676045526484*N.z

m* = 0.430639672235866*N.x + 0.136505537542152*N.y - 0.302591520505184*N.z

Exercise 5.8


You can download this example as a Python script: ex5-8.py or Jupyter notebook: ex5-8.ipynb.

from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import cross, dot
from sympy import integrate, simplify, symbols, integrate
from sympy import sin, cos, pi

def calc_inertia_vec(rho, p, n_a, N, iv):
    integrand = rho * cross(p, cross(n_a, p))
    return sum(simplify(integrate(dot(integrand, n), iv)) * n
               for n in N)

a, b, L, l, m, h = symbols('a b L l m h', real=True, nonnegative=True)
theta = symbols('theta', real=True)
h_theta_val = {h:b*l/L, theta:2*pi*l/L}

density = m/L
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
pO = Point('O')
pP = pO.locatenew('P', h*N.x + a*cos(theta)*N.y + a*sin(theta)*N.z)

I_1 = calc_inertia_vec(density, pP.pos_from(pO).subs(h_theta_val),
                       N.x, N, (l, 0, L))
I_2 = calc_inertia_vec(density, pP.pos_from(pO).subs(h_theta_val),
                       N.y, N, (l, 0, L))
print('I_1 = {0}'.format(I_1))
print('I_2 = {0}'.format(I_2))
I_1 = a**2*m*N.x + a*b*m/(2*pi)*N.z
I_2 = m*(3*a**2 + 2*b**2)/6*N.y

Exercise 5.12


You can download this example as a Python script: ex5-12.py or Jupyter notebook: ex5-12.ipynb.

import numpy as np

# n_a = 3/5*n_1 - 4/5*n_3. Substituting n_i for e_i results in
# n_a = 4/5*e_1 + 3/5*n_2.
a = np.matrix([4/5, 3/5, 0])
Iij = np.matrix([[169, 144, -96],
                 [144, 260, 72],
                 [-96, 72, 325]])

print("Moment of inertia of B with respect to a line that is parallel to")
print("line PQ and passes through point O.")
print("{0} kg m**2".format((a * Iij * a.T).item(0)))
Moment of inertia of B with respect to a line that is parallel to
line PQ and passes through point O.
340.0 kg m**2

Exercise 6.6


You can download this example as a Python script: ex6-6.py or Jupyter notebook: ex6-6.ipynb.

from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia, inertia_of_point_mass
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot
from sympy import symbols
from sympy import S

m = symbols('m')
m_val = 12

N = ReferenceFrame('N')
pO = Point('O')
pBs = pO.locatenew('B*', -3*N.x + 2*N.y - 4*N.z)

I_B_O = inertia(N, 260*m/m_val, 325*m/m_val, 169*m/m_val,
                72*m/m_val, 96*m/m_val, -144*m/m_val)
print("I_B_rel_O = {0}".format(I_B_O))

I_Bs_O = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pBs.pos_from(pO), N)
print("\nI_B*_rel_O = {0}".format(I_Bs_O))

I_B_Bs = I_B_O - I_Bs_O
print("\nI_B_rel_B* = {0}".format(I_B_Bs))

pQ = pO.locatenew('Q', -4*N.z)
I_Bs_Q = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pBs.pos_from(pQ), N)
print("\nI_B*_rel_Q = {0}".format(I_Bs_Q))

I_B_Q = I_B_Bs + I_Bs_Q
print("\nI_B_rel_Q = {0}".format(I_B_Q))

# n_a is a vector parallel to line PQ
n_a = S(3)/5 * N.x - S(4)/5 * N.z
I_a_a_B_Q = dot(dot(n_a, I_B_Q), n_a)
print("\nn_a = {0}".format(n_a))
print("\nI_a_a_B_Q = {0} = {1}".format(I_a_a_B_Q, I_a_a_B_Q.subs(m, m_val)))
I_B_rel_O = 65*m/3*(N.x|N.x) + 6*m*(N.x|N.y) - 12*m*(N.x|N.z) + 6*m*(N.y|N.x) + 325*m/12*(N.y|N.y) + 8*m*(N.y|N.z) - 12*m*(N.z|N.x) + 8*m*(N.z|N.y) + 169*m/12*(N.z|N.z)

I_B*_rel_O = 20*m*(N.x|N.x) + 25*m*(N.y|N.y) + 13*m*(N.z|N.z) + 6*m*(N.x|N.y) - 12*m*(N.x|N.z) + 6*m*(N.y|N.x) + 8*m*(N.y|N.z) - 12*m*(N.z|N.x) + 8*m*(N.z|N.y)

I_B_rel_B* = 5*m/3*(N.x|N.x) + 25*m/12*(N.y|N.y) + 13*m/12*(N.z|N.z)

I_B*_rel_Q = 4*m*(N.x|N.x) + 9*m*(N.y|N.y) + 13*m*(N.z|N.z) + 6*m*(N.x|N.y) + 6*m*(N.y|N.x)

I_B_rel_Q = 17*m/3*(N.x|N.x) + 133*m/12*(N.y|N.y) + 169*m/12*(N.z|N.z) + 6*m*(N.x|N.y) + 6*m*(N.y|N.x)

n_a = 3/5*N.x - 4/5*N.z

I_a_a_B_Q = 829*m/75 = 3316/25

Exercise 6.7


You can download this example as a Python script: ex6-7.py or Jupyter notebook: ex6-7.ipynb.

from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia, inertia_of_point_mass
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot
from sympy import solve, sqrt, symbols, diff
from sympy import sin, cos, pi, Matrix
from sympy import simplify

b, m, k_a = symbols('b m k_a', real=True, nonnegative=True)
theta = symbols('theta', real=True)

N = ReferenceFrame('N')
N2 = N.orientnew('N2', 'Axis', [theta, N.z])
pO = Point('O')
pP1s = pO.locatenew('P1*', b/2 * (N.x + N.y))
pP2s = pO.locatenew('P2*', b/2 * (2*N.x + N.y + N.z))
pP3s = pO.locatenew('P3*', b/2 * ((2 + sin(theta))*N.x +
                                 (2 - cos(theta))*N.y +

I_1s_O = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pP1s.pos_from(pO), N)
I_2s_O = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pP2s.pos_from(pO), N)
I_3s_O = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pP3s.pos_from(pO), N)
print("\nI_1s_rel_O = {0}".format(I_1s_O))
print("\nI_2s_rel_O = {0}".format(I_2s_O))
print("\nI_3s_rel_O = {0}".format(I_3s_O))

I_1_1s = inertia(N, m*b**2/12, m*b**2/12, 2*m*b**2/12)
I_2_2s = inertia(N, 2*m*b**2/12, m*b**2/12, m*b**2/12)

I_3_3s_N2 = Matrix([[2, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1]])
I_3_3s_N = m*b**2/12 * simplify(N.dcm(N2) * I_3_3s_N2 * N2.dcm(N))
I_3_3s = inertia(N, I_3_3s_N[0, 0], I_3_3s_N[1, 1], I_3_3s_N[2, 2],
                 I_3_3s_N[0, 1], I_3_3s_N[1, 2], I_3_3s_N[2, 0])

I_1_O = I_1_1s + I_1s_O
I_2_O = I_2_2s + I_2s_O
I_3_O = I_3_3s + I_3s_O
print("\nI_1_rel_O = {0}".format(I_1_O))
print("\nI_2_rel_O = {0}".format(I_2_O))
print("\nI_3_rel_O = {0}".format(I_3_O))

# assembly inertia tensor is the sum of the inertia tensor of each component
I_B_O = I_1_O + I_2_O + I_3_O
print("\nI_B_rel_O = {0}".format(I_B_O))

# n_a is parallel to line L
n_a = sqrt(2) / 2 * (N.x + N.z)
print("\nn_a = {0}".format(n_a))

# calculate moment of inertia of for point O of assembly about line L
I_a_a_B_O = simplify(dot(n_a, dot(I_B_O, n_a)))
print("\nI_a_a_B_rel_O = {0}".format(I_a_a_B_O))

# use the second value since k_a is non-negative
k_a_val = solve(I_a_a_B_O - 3 * m * k_a**2, k_a)[1]
print("\nk_a = {0}".format(k_a_val))

dk_a_dtheta = diff(k_a_val, theta)
print("\ndk_a/dtheta = {0}".format(dk_a_dtheta))

# solve for theta = 0 using a simplified expression or
# else no solution will be found
soln = solve(3*cos(theta) + 12*sin(theta) - 4*sin(theta)*cos(theta), theta)
# ignore complex values of theta
theta_vals = [s for s in soln if s.is_real]

for th in theta_vals:
    print("k_a({0}) = {1}".format((th * 180 / pi).evalf(),
                                  k_a_val.subs(theta, th).evalf()))

I_1s_rel_O = b**2*m/4*(N.x|N.x) + b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.y) + b**2*m/2*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m/4*(N.x|N.y) - b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.x)

I_2s_rel_O = b**2*m/2*(N.x|N.x) + 5*b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.y) + 5*b**2*m/4*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.x|N.y) - b**2*m/2*(N.x|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.y|N.x) - b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.z|N.x) - b**2*m/4*(N.z|N.y)

I_3s_rel_O = m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2/4)*(N.x|N.x) + m*(b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4 + b**2/4)*(N.y|N.y) + m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4)*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.x|N.y) - b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.x|N.z) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.y|N.x) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4*(N.y|N.z) - b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.z|N.x) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4*(N.z|N.y)

I_1_rel_O = b**2*m/3*(N.x|N.x) + b**2*m/3*(N.y|N.y) + 2*b**2*m/3*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m/4*(N.x|N.y) - b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.x)

I_2_rel_O = 2*b**2*m/3*(N.x|N.x) + 4*b**2*m/3*(N.y|N.y) + 4*b**2*m/3*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.x|N.y) - b**2*m/2*(N.x|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.y|N.x) - b**2*m/4*(N.y|N.z) - b**2*m/2*(N.z|N.x) - b**2*m/4*(N.z|N.y)

I_3_rel_O = (b**2*m*(cos(theta)**2 + 1)/12 + m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2/4))*(N.x|N.x) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 + b**2*m*sin(2*theta)/24)*(N.x|N.y) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 + b**2*m*sin(2*theta)/24)*(N.y|N.x) + (b**2*m*(sin(theta)**2 + 1)/12 + m*(b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4 + b**2/4))*(N.y|N.y) + (b**2*m/12 + m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4))*(N.z|N.z) - b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.x|N.z) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4*(N.y|N.z) - b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4*(N.z|N.x) - b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4*(N.z|N.y)

I_B_rel_O = (b**2*m*(cos(theta)**2 + 1)/12 + b**2*m + m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2/4))*(N.x|N.x) + (b**2*m*(sin(theta)**2 + 1)/12 + 5*b**2*m/3 + m*(b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4 + b**2/4))*(N.y|N.y) + (25*b**2*m/12 + m*(b**2*(2 - cos(theta))**2/4 + b**2*(sin(theta) + 2)**2/4))*(N.z|N.z) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 + b**2*m*sin(2*theta)/24 - 3*b**2*m/4)*(N.x|N.y) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 + b**2*m*sin(2*theta)/24 - 3*b**2*m/4)*(N.y|N.x) + (-b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 - b**2*m/2)*(N.x|N.z) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4 - b**2*m/4)*(N.y|N.z) + (-b**2*m*(sin(theta) + 2)/4 - b**2*m/2)*(N.z|N.x) + (-b**2*m*(2 - cos(theta))/4 - b**2*m/4)*(N.z|N.y)

n_a = sqrt(2)/2*N.x + sqrt(2)/2*N.z

I_a_a_B_rel_O = b**2*m*(-4*sin(theta)**2 + 6*sin(theta) - 24*cos(theta) + 60)/24

k_a = b*sqrt(3*sin(theta) - 12*cos(theta) + cos(2*theta) + 29)/6

dk_a/dtheta = b*(6*sin(theta) - sin(2*theta) + 3*cos(theta)/2)/(6*sqrt(3*sin(theta) - 12*cos(theta) + cos(2*theta) + 29))

k_a(169.335342108210) = 1.08371034822267*b
k_a(-20.0025512645583) = 0.696492652799896*b

Exercise 6.10


You can download this example as a Python script: ex6-10.py or Jupyter notebook: ex6-10.ipynb.

from sympy import Matrix
from sympy import pi, acos
from sympy import simplify, symbols
from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia, inertia_of_point_mass
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot

def inertia_matrix(dyadic, rf):
   """Return the inertia matrix of a given dyadic for a specified
   reference frame.
   return Matrix([[dot(dot(dyadic, i), j) for j in rf] for i in rf])

def angle_between_vectors(a, b):
   """Return the minimum angle between two vectors. The angle returned for
   vectors a and -a is 0.
   angle = (acos(dot(a, b)/(a.magnitude() * b.magnitude())) *
            180 / pi).evalf()
   return min(angle, 180 - angle)

m, m_R, m_C, rho, r = symbols('m m_R m_C rho r', real=True, nonnegative=True)

N = ReferenceFrame('N')
pA = Point('A')
pPs = pA.locatenew('P*', 3*r*N.x - 2*r*N.y)

m_R = rho * 24 * r**2
m_C = rho * pi * r**2
m = m_R - m_C

I_Cs_A = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pPs.pos_from(pA), N)
I_C_Cs = inertia(N, m_R*(4*r)**2/12 - m_C*r**2/4,
                  m_R*(6*r)**2/12 - m_C*r**2/4,
                  m_R*((4*r)**2+(6*r)**2)/12 - m_C*r**2/2)

I_C_A = I_C_Cs + I_Cs_A
print("\nI_C_rel_A = {0}".format(I_C_A))

# Eigenvectors of I_C_A are the parallel to the principal axis for point A
# of Body C.
evecs_m = [triple[2]
          for triple in inertia_matrix(I_C_A, N).eigenvects()]

# Convert eigenvectors from Matrix type to Vector type.
evecs = [sum(simplify(v[0][i]).evalf() * n for i, n in enumerate(N))
         for v in evecs_m]

# N.x is parallel to line AB
print("\nVectors parallel to the principal axis for point A of Body C and the" +
      "\ncorresponding angle between the principal axis and line AB (degrees):")
for v in evecs:
    print("{0}\t{1}".format(v, angle_between_vectors(N.x, v)))

I_C_rel_A = (-pi*r**4*rho/4 + 32*r**4*rho + 4*r**2*(-pi*r**2*rho + 24*r**2*rho))*(N.x|N.x) + (-pi*r**4*rho/4 + 72*r**4*rho + 9*r**2*(-pi*r**2*rho + 24*r**2*rho))*(N.y|N.y) + (-pi*r**4*rho/2 + 104*r**4*rho + 13*r**2*(-pi*r**2*rho + 24*r**2*rho))*(N.z|N.z) + 6*r**2*(-pi*r**2*rho + 24*r**2*rho)*(N.x|N.y) + 6*r**2*(-pi*r**2*rho + 24*r**2*rho)*(N.y|N.x)

Vectors parallel to the principal axis for point A of Body C and the
corresponding angle between the principal axis and line AB (degrees):
N.z	90.0000000000000
- 1.73073714765796*N.x + N.y	30.0188275011498
0.57778848819025*N.x + N.y	59.9811724988502

Exercise 6.13


You can download this example as a Python script: ex6-13.py or Jupyter notebook: ex6-13.ipynb.

from sympy import S, Matrix
from sympy import pi, acos
from sympy import simplify, sqrt, symbols
from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia_of_point_mass
from sympy.physics.mechanics import dot
import numpy as np

def inertia_matrix(dyadic, rf):
   """Return the inertia matrix of a given dyadic for a specified
   reference frame.
   return Matrix([[dot(dot(dyadic, i), j) for j in rf] for i in rf])

def convert_eigenvectors_matrix_vector(eigenvectors, rf):
   """Return a list of Vectors converted from a list of Matrices.
   rf is the implicit ReferenceFrame for the Matrix representation of the
   return [sum(simplify(v[0][i]).evalf() * n for i, n in enumerate(N))
            for v in eigenvectors]

def angle_between_vectors(a, b):
   """Return the minimum angle between two vectors. The angle returned for
   vectors a and -a is 0.
   angle = (acos(dot(a, b) / (a.magnitude() * b.magnitude())) *
            180 / pi).evalf()
   return min(angle, 180 - angle)

m = symbols('m', real=True, nonnegative=True)
m_val = 1
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
pO = Point('O')
pP = pO.locatenew('P', -3 * N.y)
pQ = pO.locatenew('Q', -4 * N.z)
pR = pO.locatenew('R', 2 * N.x)
points = [pO, pP, pQ, pR]

# center of mass of assembly
pCs = pO.locatenew('C*', sum(p.pos_from(pO) for p in points) / S(len(points)))

I_C_Cs = (inertia_of_point_mass(m, points[0].pos_from(pCs), N) +
         inertia_of_point_mass(m, points[1].pos_from(pCs), N) +
         inertia_of_point_mass(m, points[2].pos_from(pCs), N) +
         inertia_of_point_mass(m, points[3].pos_from(pCs), N))
print("I_C_Cs = {0}".format(I_C_Cs))

# calculate the principal moments of inertia and the principal axes
M = inertia_matrix(I_C_Cs, N)

# use numpy to find eigenvalues/eigenvectors since sympy failed
# note that the eigenvlaues/eigenvectors are the
# prinicpal moments of inertia/principal axes
eigvals, eigvecs_np = np.linalg.eigh(np.matrix(M.subs(m, m_val).n().tolist(), dtype=float))
eigvecs = [sum(eigvecs_np[i, j] * n for i, n in enumerate(N))
         for j in range(3)]

# get the minimum moment of inertia and its associated principal axis
e, v = min(zip(eigvals, eigvecs))

# I = m * k**2, where I is the moment of inertia,
# m is the mass of the body, k is the radius of gyration
k = sqrt(e / (4 * m_val))
print("\nradius of gyration, k = {0} m".format(k))

# calculate the angle between the associated principal axis and the line OP
# line OP is parallel to N.y
theta = angle_between_vectors(N.y, v)
print("\nangle between associated principal axis and line OP = {0}°".format(theta))
1/2*N.x - 3/4*N.y - N.z
I_C_Cs = 75*m/4*(N.x|N.x) + 15*m*(N.y|N.y) + 39*m/4*(N.z|N.z) - 3*m/2*(N.x|N.y) - 2*m*(N.x|N.z) - 3*m/2*(N.y|N.x) + 3*m*(N.y|N.z) - 2*m*(N.z|N.x) + 3*m*(N.z|N.y)

radius of gyration, k = 1.43554075942754 m

angle between associated principal axis and line OP = 67.6396101383384°

Exercise 6.14


You can download this example as a Python script: ex6-14.py or Jupyter notebook: ex6-14.ipynb.

from sympy import Matrix, S
from sympy import integrate, pi, simplify, solve, symbols
from sympy.physics.mechanics import ReferenceFrame, Point
from sympy.physics.mechanics import cross, dot
from sympy.physics.mechanics import inertia, inertia_of_point_mass

def inertia_matrix(dyadic, rf):
   """Return the inertia matrix of a given dyadic for a specified
   reference frame.
   return Matrix([[dot(dot(dyadic, i), j) for j in rf] for i in rf])

def integrate_v(integrand, rf, bounds):
   """Return the integral for a Vector integrand."""
   return sum(simplify(integrate(dot(integrand, n), bounds)) * n for n in rf)

def index_min(values):
   return min(range(len(values)), key=values.__getitem__)

m, a, b, c = symbols('m a b c', real=True, nonnegative=True)
x, y, r = symbols('x y r', real=True)
k, n = symbols('k n', real=True, positive=True)
N = ReferenceFrame('N')

# calculate right triangle density
V = b * c / 2
rho = m / V

# Kane 1985 lists scalars of inertia I_11, I_12, I_22 for a right triangular
# plate, but not I_3x.
pO = Point('O')
pCs = pO.locatenew('C*', b/3*N.x + c/3*N.y)
pP = pO.locatenew('P', x*N.x + y*N.y)
p = pP.pos_from(pCs)

I_3 = rho * integrate_v(integrate_v(cross(p, cross(N.z, p)),
                                 N, (x, 0, b*(1 - y/c))),
                     N, (y, 0, c))
print("I_3 = {0}".format(I_3))

# inertia for a right triangle given ReferenceFrame, height b, base c, mass
inertia_rt = lambda rf, b_, c_, m_: inertia(rf,
               dot(I_3, N.z),
               dot(I_3, N.y),
               dot(I_3, N.x)).subs({m:m_, b:b_, c:c_})

theta = (30 + 90) * pi / 180
N2 = N.orientnew('N2', 'Axis', [theta, N.x])

# calculate the mass center of the assembly
# Point O is located at the right angle corner of triangle 1.
pCs_1 = pO.locatenew('C*_1', 1/S(3) * (a*N.y + b*N.x))
pCs_2 = pO.locatenew('C*_2', 1/S(3) * (a*N2.y + b*N2.x))
pBs = pO.locatenew('B*', 1/(2*m) * m * (pCs_1.pos_from(pO) +
print("\nB* = {0}".format(pBs.pos_from(pO).express(N)))

# central inertia of each triangle
I1_C_Cs = inertia_rt(N, b, a, m)
I2_C_Cs = inertia_rt(N2, b, a, m)

# inertia of mass center of each triangle about Point B*
I1_Cs_Bs = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pCs_1.pos_from(pBs), N)
I2_Cs_Bs = inertia_of_point_mass(m, pCs_2.pos_from(pBs), N)

I_B_Bs = I1_C_Cs + I1_Cs_Bs + I2_C_Cs + I2_Cs_Bs
print("\nI_B_Bs = {0}".format(I_B_Bs.express(N)))

# central principal moments of inertia
evals = inertia_matrix(I_B_Bs, N).eigenvals()

for e in evals.keys():

print("\nuse a/b = r")
evals_sub_a = [simplify(e.subs(a, r*b)) for e in evals.keys()]
for e in evals_sub_a:

for r_val in [2, 1/S(2)]:
    print("\nfor r = {0}".format(r_val))
    evals_sub_r = [e.subs(r, r_val) for e in evals_sub_a]
    for e in evals_sub_r:
        print("{0} = {1}".format(e, e.n()))

    # substitute dummy values for m, b so that min will actually work
    min_index = index_min([e.subs({m : 1, b : 1}) for e in evals_sub_r])
    min_e = evals_sub_r[min_index]
    print("min: {0}".format(min_e))

    k_val = solve(min_e - 2*m*k**2, k)
    assert(len(k_val) == 1)
    print("k = {0}".format(k_val[0]))
    n_val = solve(k_val[0] - n*b, n)
    assert(len(n_val) == 1)
    print("n = {0}".format(n_val[0]))

print("\nResults in text: n = 1/3, sqrt(35 - sqrt(241))/24")
I_3 = m*(b**2 + c**2)/18*N.z

B* = b/3*N.x + a/12*N.y + sqrt(3)*a/12*N.z

I_B_Bs = (a**2*m/9 + b**2*m/18 + 2*m*(a**2/12 - b**2/36))*(N.x|N.x) + (a**2*m/24 + 5*b**2*m/72 + m*(a**2 + b**2)/24)*(N.y|N.y) + (a**2*m/8 + b**2*m/24 + 5*m*(a**2 + b**2)/72)*(N.z|N.z) + a*b*m/72*(N.x|N.y) + sqrt(3)*a*b*m/72*(N.x|N.z) + a*b*m/72*(N.y|N.x) + (sqrt(3)*a**2*m/36 + sqrt(3)*m*(a**2 + b**2)/72 - sqrt(3)*(-a**2*m/18 + b**2*m/18)/4)*(N.y|N.z) + sqrt(3)*a*b*m/72*(N.z|N.x) + (sqrt(3)*a**2*m/36 + sqrt(3)*m*(a**2 + b**2)/72 - sqrt(3)*(-a**2*m/18 + b**2*m/18)/4)*(N.z|N.y)

a**2*m/36 + b**2*m/9
19*a**2*m/72 + b**2*m/18 - m*sqrt(a**4 - 4*a**2*b**2 + 16*b**4)/72
19*a**2*m/72 + b**2*m/18 + m*sqrt(a**4 - 4*a**2*b**2 + 16*b**4)/72

use a/b = r
b**2*m*(r**2 + 4)/36
b**2*m*(19*r**2 - sqrt(r**4 - 4*r**2 + 16) + 4)/72
b**2*m*(19*r**2 + sqrt(r**4 - 4*r**2 + 16) + 4)/72

for r = 2
2*b**2*m/9 = 0.222222222222222*b**2*m
19*b**2*m/18 = 1.05555555555556*b**2*m
7*b**2*m/6 = 1.16666666666667*b**2*m
min: 2*b**2*m/9
k = b/3
n = 1/3

for r = 1/2
17*b**2*m/144 = 0.118055555555556*b**2*m
b**2*m*(35/4 - sqrt(241)/4)/72 = 0.0676243934157638*b**2*m
b**2*m*(sqrt(241)/4 + 35/4)/72 = 0.175431162139792*b**2*m
min: b**2*m*(35/4 - sqrt(241)/4)/72
k = b*sqrt(35 - sqrt(241))/24
n = sqrt(35 - sqrt(241))/24

Results in text: n = 1/3, sqrt(35 - sqrt(241))/24