Source code for pydy.codegen.octave_code

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

    from sympy.printing.octave import OctaveCodePrinter
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError('Octave code printing is only available with SymPy >= 0.7.6.')

from .matrix_generator import MatrixGenerator

[docs]class OctaveMatrixGenerator(MatrixGenerator): """This class generates Octave/Matlab source files that simultaneously numerically evaluate any number of SymPy matrices. """ _idx_start = 1 _idx_delim = "()" _base_printer = OctaveCodePrinter _type_declar = '' # prepended to variable introductions _line_contin = ' ...' _comment_char = '%' # TODO : The first two lines will not wrap. For many inputs/outputs it # would be nice to have some wrapping. _m_template = """\ function [{output_args}] = {prefix}({input_args}) % function [{output_args}] = {prefix}({input_args}) % {docstring} {subexprs} {outputs} end """
[docs] def doprint(self, prefix='eval_mats'): """Returns a string that implements the function. Parameters ========== prefix : string, optional The name of the Octave/Matlab function. """ self.code_blocks['prefix'] = prefix return self._m_template.format(**self.code_blocks)
[docs] def write(self, prefix='eval_mats', path=None): """Writes the <prefix>.m file to disc at the give path location.""" if path is None: path = os.getcwd() text = self.doprint(prefix=prefix) with open(os.path.join(path, prefix + '.m'), 'w') as f: f.write(text)